Bali Paws Children's Coloring Book

The Story of Ayu and Brownie

6€ = 1 booklet

Our mission

“You can’t teach an old dog new tricks.”, let’s set this straight. While older dogs can indeed learn new tricks, it’s true that changing the mindset of older people can be a bit tricker to say the least. Little like trying to teach your grandpa how to use emojis – not impossible, but definitely a challenge!

However, we believe that we could make a much greater and lasting impact by focusing on the younger generation instead! These guys are the(ir) future!🐾

The mission of our new education project is to go from school to school with a dog or two and break the cycle of misconceptions that eventually resulted in many generations fearing dogs, but also show kids how to behave around dogs in order to stay safe. We hope that through interactions with the dogs, we can plant a seed and create positive experiences so the kids get a new perspective on what dogs truly are. Their friends.

But planted seeds need water.
How can we nourish what the children just learned when school is over and maybe even start a conversation within the family once at home?
Here’s our idea: Let’s provide each child with an education booklet!

How you can help

The booklet tells a really cute story about a girl named Ayu and her dog Brownie. Plus, it’s half coloring book, so the children can have a blast coloring the pages with their friends or siblings. And wait, there’s more! It even teaches them about different dog body languages, so they can become a pro at understanding the dogs around them.

But how can they get their hands on one of these booklets? The answer is: You.
For every purchase you make, you gift a child a printed coloring booklet in Indonesian. Each booklet comes with a package of 12 coloring pencils for the kids to take home. With your purchase you will make a significant impact on how the future generation sees and treats dogs.


Lets make a change together – one booklet at a time! 🐾

Bali Paws Children's Coloring Book

The Story of Ayu and Brownie

6€ = 1 booklet

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