Hello you! My name is Sunny. Me and my sister are the youngest tenants of the puppy house. My life was not always sunshine and rainbows, but I always look at the sunny side of everything! That’s why you will see me playing and having fun and giving kisses no matter what – all day long!
The name says it all! This girl is just a Ray of sunshine!
When we first met, Sunny was living on the street, together with her mum and her siblings. Just like every good mum, Sunny’s mum was very protective over her babies and we couldn’t get close to her straight away. Unfortunately one day when we were dropping food for the fam we noticed that one of her siblings got killed by a vehicle. Chances were high that Sunny and her sister Wendy would face the same fate if we don’t take them into safety straight away. Her mum Emma was still mourning the loss of her baby but surprisingly didn’t hesitate when we picked them all up and dropped them in the puppy house. And that’s that.
Ever since Sunny is living life to the fullest. Running around chasing and Playing with her new friends and giving kisses to everyone who comes around for a visit. As if she never knew anything but happiness. Sunny is the true embodiment of “after rain comes Sunshine”. We can learn so much from this tiny happy girl.
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