Hey, I'm Snowy

Once I was a hairless pup on the street, now I’m all healthy and fluffy. So fluffy that the humans told me that it’s time for a haircut. But for that I’ll need some pocket money…
Can you fluff up my day and become my monthly Sponsor?!

Snowy's Story

Do you know the comic series “The adventures of Tintin”?! Tintin has a dog who looks a little as if he put his paw in a power outlet. Snowy. Snowy follows Tintin on all his adventures and that’s pretty much how this little boy is too. He is happy with whatever you do as long as he can be by your side.

Want to go for a hike? Great! He is in! Want a cozy evening on sofa? He will be your cuddle buddy! Off to work in an office? No problem, snowy will sleep unter your desk. Have an appointment at the hairdresser?! Amazing, he‘ll sit next to you while (the two of) you get your hair done.

Whatever life throws at you, you can be sure that Snowy will be by your side thru it all. If you jump, he jumps.

I love

Cuddles · Making new friends

I really don't like

Waking up early

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