Hey, I'm Maggy

Hi I’m Maggy. I am a brave little girl and live together with all my friends in the puppy house. Life hasn’t been easy for me since a mean virus called distemper affected my nervous system, making my hind legs a no-go zone. But don’t you worry, because my tail waggles are as strong as ever.

Here’s the thing: I’m a bit short on pocket money, and I need your help to cover my weekly acupuncture sessions.

I know times can be tough, but if you can spare a few treats worth of donation, it would mean the world to me *puppy dog eyes are in full force*. Even the tiniest contribution can make a huge difference in my journey to regain my walking skills and live a paw-some life.

Maggy's Story

Maggy was laying in the middle of the road at night when we spotted her. Thankfully we saw her before a vehicle did. or did not… What I first noticed when getting closer: her smell! The smell of infection. And oh boy… aside from the 10000 fleas she had a big hole full with maggots in her tiny body.

We were in an area of the island where it was impossible to get help and Maggy had to go on quite a journey to get the medical care she urgently needed. Once in the clinic her wound healed fast and she was ready to start a new life in the Puppy House. But eventually life had other plans for this strong girl.

One morning she suddenly had a seizure and started foaming, we rushed her to the vet while the seizures continued. Once in the clinic the vets confirmed: positiv distemper virus. It was a heartbreaking and nerve racking time.

The vets eventually suggested to end her suffering because chances were very low that she would survive, but Maggy decided that it wasn’t time to give up just yet and fought for her life and recovered from all the symptoms the virus threw at her.

Unfortunately there is something she hasn’t recovered from… the virus attacked her nervous system, leaving her back legs paralysed. At this point we don’t know if she’ll ever be able to use them again. She is currently getting acupuncture treatment twice a week and in a month from now we will know more.

All we know at this point is that she is a strong little fighter and nothing can dim her tail waggles!

I love

Toys, toys, toys!

I really don't like


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